Hi guys, how are you??
Long time I didn't write my story, so busy with my work. hehehehe
Today I want to tell you about my story build DREAMS.
My teacher in junior high school tell me this word "Reach your dreams as high as the star", I think your teacher tell about it to you, so we must dreams so high, dreams something impossible ? why we must dreams so high? Our first small step will be more easy when we have dreams. I have 4 dreams when I start my university day (you can read it at http://www.christianboby.com/2014/01/my-graduation-dreams.html), I know it's so impossible, but when I have dreams, I know my target, my position and how to get it, but don't forget let's work together with God, because we are without God is nothing.
This month I tried to start rearrange my dreams, I try to ask my self, why I have this dreams? how to archive it? is it impossible ?? YESS, absolutely impossible.. But one day, when I praise and pray to God, He let me know something. Every dreams that I have is from Him, He give me something like spirit on my heart, so when I'm thinking about it, I'm so excited, and I put it as my dreams.
What is my impossible dreams?
1. Inspire people using my life story. Especially to young people about making relationship, and how to know if she / he is the only one from God. I have this dreams after broke my relationship with my ex. girlfriend. I tell to God "God, make love story more complicated, so I can help people using my story", and if you know my process it's so complicated, so hard, so many tears, but He help me to learning so many things.
2. Build hospital or mini hospital. I have this dreams when my worker's son got sick, my worker confused about hospital bill, because they don't have a lot money. How about assurance ? assurance can't help 100%, to many procedure. I want to build my hospital, so I can help poor people to life better in healthy.
I like to share my dreams to my friend, and ask them about their dreams, why? first, when we tell our dreams to other people, it's something like words of faith. second, we can meet people with same passion, and work together to reach it. third, maybe they will pray for our dreams? hehehehe
So, do you have dreams ?? build your dreams NOW, or you will be late.
God bless you
Psalm 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" NIV